Bomjus Recommends

Friday, November 20, 2009

I haven't posted in while.

I will be posting more often and at some point develop a theme for this blog. In the meantime, I will develop a second blog that is devoted to java game development; perhaps one that is devoted to xna development as well.

In the meantime, looking into some map making for L4D and L4D2 on This is why it makes since to get the games on PC instead of Xbox. However, MW2 still seems to be because of the amount of friends that play on the console that I need to just get it on console and enjoy it.

This is us coming up at Chincoteague. Had a nice get away weekend. Whelp, thats it.

Thanks for checking in, more to come.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Doug Williams FBCX

Its amazing how people don't like to see something new. They prefer to exclude it rather then let it exist for those who do want to see it exist. It is rather sad that we are in such a predicament. I hope that whoever does pick up this title enjoys it and spread the word. I will check it out also and do the same.

Check out BCFX.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

Father's day was fun! Visited a called I must say the food was delicious. I enjoyed it very much. I believe I had Seafood Norfolk with a Caesar salad and broccoli. Healthy eating is extremely important. I am trying to establish and maintain healthy eating habits. Later, I went to work. I can't wait to get back to XNA programming.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Last to the Party

I seem to be late to the blogging party. However, I thought it prudent to create a blog for my scribblings. It is similar to how many mad scientist may or may not keep scientific logs. Consider this my unclassified version. Be warned, I'm bizarre. Nevertheless, welcome to my rantings.